Bienvenidos a mi mundo de Burbujas

En mi mundo de Burbujas no solo encontrarás Cuadros y Cuentos como lo describen. Para mi es algo más que eso. En muchos de esos cuadros hay vivencias incluso aquellos cuadros que son copiados de fotos e imágenes, porque realmente los que amamos la pintura y la escritura, intentamos captar momentos y transmitirlos. Somos una herramienta más como si fuéramos una cámara de foto o una cámara de video, así es como lo veo. Lo bueno que tenemos es que podemos transformar las imágenes y también las historias.  Esa es la parte ESENCIAL que se define a un artista.


¿Un artista NACE o se HACE?, realmente las dos son validas, en mi caso, simplemente fue una vía de escape para sanar mi alma cuando mis padres se separaron, y poder transformar ese dolor. Desde muy pequeña empece a notar que mi forma de ver la vida era diferente a la mayoría de los niños, quizás iba un poco por delante, recuerdo que con once años ya quería ver mundo, y eso hice..  

Trabajar los fines de semana en el Restaurante Chino Gran Kan que estaba en la calle Pedro Infinito, de esta manera podía ahorrar para mis viajes. Aún recuerdo la cara de mi padre cada vez que le insinuaba que me iría de viaje a conocer mundo..., el siempre confiaba en mi, a tal extremo que me dejo realizar mi primer viaje con 11 años a Barcelona.

Yo estaba maravillada por la cantidad de lugares y obras construidas en la ciudad condal, todavía recuerdo monumentos realizados por Antoni Gaudí y por Salvador Dali.


Verdaderamente el viaje a Barcelona fue un cambio muy positivo en mi vida, pues abrió  mi mente de tal magnitud, que llegue a descubrir que existían mas personas semejantes a mi y también descubrí  la herramienta para poder realizar viajes "Trabajar", cosa contraria que muchos niños se dedicaban a jugar, salir y pasárselo bien, mientras que en mi mente solo existía "el trabajar y ahorrar" para poder ver mundo, quería aprender de las otras culturas, "Realmente buscaba a mis iguales" 


Los cuadernos se me habían hecho pequeños, así que decidí sin que se diera cuenta mi familia, contar mi historia de como me sentía mediante dibujos que desarrollaba en las paredes de mi cuarto, una manera de evitar a los psicólogos para no contarles mi intimidad, ademas, en el colegio Japones nos habían educado a no contar lo que uno siente o mejor dicho, no contar los problemas de la familia. 

Vivir en dos culturas tan opuestas me ha dado muchos quebraderos de cabeza, pero he intentado coger lo mejor de las dos culturas y diseñar mi obra "ORIENTAL FUSION" 


Llega un momento en la vida de cada ser humano que nos encontramos con un gran vacío, y yo he descubierto lo espiritual para completar ese vacío, lo llamo "AMOR". Y quiero dedicar lo que me queda de vida a darlo a conocer. Porque de esta manera, mi vida tendrá un significado, y lo más bello es que pondré las bases, para que mis hijos y la nueva generación sigan construyendo UN MUNDO MEJOR. 




ORIENTAL FUSION  trata de transmitir lo que una japonesa canaria siente hacia Japón, muchas de las imágenes fueron captadas de fotografías, algunas transformadas, otras inventadas y la gran mayoría de esas instantáneas,  son esencia localizada en un archivo de mi infancia, de esta manera lo que intento con este proyecto, es que la persona que decida contemplar unos cuadros, se vaya con algo mas... .


En mis exposiciones, he visto llorar a muchas personas porque se identifican con los personajes de mi pintura, también he visto personas que me han dicho que entraban con un pensamiento de japón y se iban con otro maravillados, además de ver pasar alumnos de bellas artes, diciendo que el conjunto de la exposición ha sido mágico, como también, personas que simplemente entraron por curiosidad con el agobio de sus problemas cotidianos y salieron después mas positivos para seguir la vida.


Y como máxima Simplemente les hago sentir lo que hoy en día esta desapareciendo "el AMOR INCONDICIONAL".


El 100% lo dono a causa que me motivan para crear UN MUNDO MEJOR.


In my world of Bubbles you will not only find Paintings and Stories as they describe it. For me it is more than that. In many of those paintings there are experiences even those paintings that are copied from photos and images, because really those of us who love painting and writing, try to capture moments and transmit them. We are a tool more like if we were a photo camera or a video camera, that's how I see it. The good thing we have is that we can transform images and also stories. That is the ESSENTIAL part that defines an artist.


Is an artist NECESSED or DONE ?, Really both are valid, in my case, it was simply an escape route to heal my soul when my parents separated, and to be able to transform that pain. From a very young age I started to notice that my way of seeing life was different from most children, maybe I was a little bit ahead, I remember that at eleven years old I wanted to see the world, and that I did ..


Working on weekends at the Chino Gran Kan restaurant that was on Pedro Infinito street, this way I could save for my trips. I still remember the face of my father every time I insinuated that I would go on a trip to see the world ..., he always trusted me, to such an extent that he let me make my first trip with 11 years to Barcelona.


I was amazed by the number of places and works built in the city, I still remember monuments made by Antoni Gaudí and Salvador Dali.


Truly the trip to Barcelona was a very positive change in my life, because it opened my mind of such magnitude, that I came to discover that there were more people like me and I also discovered the tool to be able to travel "Work", something contrary to many children were dedicated to play, go out and have fun, while in my mind there was only "work and save" to see the world, I wanted to learn from other cultures, "I was really looking for my peers"


The notebooks had become small, so I decided without my family to realize, tell my story of how I felt through drawings that developed on the walls of my room, a way to avoid psychologists to tell them my privacy, In addition, in the Japanese school we had been educated not to tell what one feels or rather, not to tell the family's problems.


Living in two cultures so opposite has given me many headaches, but I have tried to take the best of both cultures and design my work "ORIENTAL FUSION"


There comes a moment in the life of every human being that we find ourselves with a great void, and I have discovered the spiritual to complete that emptiness, I call it "LOVE". And I want to dedicate what I have left of life to make it known. Because in this way, my life will have a meaning, and the most beautiful thing is that I will lay the foundations, so that my children and the new generation continue to build A BETTER WORLD.





ORIENTAL FUSION tries to transmit what a Japanese woman from the Canary Islands feels towards Japan, many of the images were captured from photographs, some transformed, others invented and the vast majority of those snapshots are essence located in a file from my childhood, in this way What I try with this project, is that the person who decides to contemplate some paintings, leaves with something else ...


In my exhibitions, I have seen many people mourn because they identify with the characters of my painting, I have also seen people who told me that they entered with a Japanese thought and left with another one in awe, besides seeing students of fine arts pass by , saying that the whole exhibition has been magical, as well as, people who simply entered out of curiosity with the overwhelm of their daily problems and left afterwards more positive to continue life.


And as a maximum I simply make you feel what is disappearing "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" nowadays.


100% I donate it because they motivate me to create A BETTER WORLD.

In my world of Bubbles you will not only find Paintings and Stories as they describe it. For me it is more than that. In many of those paintings there are experiences even those paintings that are copied from photos and images, because really those of us who love painting and writing, try to capture moments and transmit them. We are a tool more like if we were a photo camera or a video camera, that's how I see it. The good thing we have is that we can transform images and also stories. That is the ESSENTIAL part that defines an artist.
Is an artist NECESSED or DONE ?, Really both are valid, in my case, it was simply an escape route to heal my soul when my parents separated, and to be able to transform that pain. From a very young age I started to notice that my way of seeing life was different from most children, maybe I was a little bit ahead, I remember that at eleven years old I wanted to see the world, and that I did ..
Working on weekends at the Chino Gran Kan restaurant that was on Pedro Infinito street, this way I could save for my trips. I still remember the face of my father every time I insinuated that I would go on a trip to see the world ..., he always trusted me, to such an extent that he let me make my first trip with 11 years to Barcelona.
I was amazed by the number of places and works built in the city, I still remember monuments made by Antoni Gaudí and Salvador Dali.
Truly the trip to Barcelona was a very positive change in my life, because it opened my mind of such magnitude, that I came to discover that there were more people like me and I also discovered the tool to be able to travel "Work", something contrary to many children were dedicated to play, go out and have fun, while in my mind there was only "work and save" to see the world, I wanted to learn from other cultures, "I was really looking for my peers"
The notebooks had become small, so I decided without my family to realize, tell my story of how I felt through drawings that developed on the walls of my room, a way to avoid psychologists to tell them my privacy, In addition, in the Japanese school we had been educated not to tell what one feels or rather, not to tell the family's problems.
Living in two cultures so opposite has given me many headaches, but I have tried to take the best of both cultures and design my work "ORIENTAL FUSION"
There comes a moment in the life of every human being that we find ourselves with a great void, and I have discovered the spiritual to complete that emptiness, I call it "LOVE". And I want to dedicate what I have left of life to make it known. Because in this way, my life will have a meaning, and the most beautiful thing is that I will lay the foundations, so that my children and the new generation continue to build A BETTER WORLD.
ORIENTAL FUSION tries to transmit what a Japanese woman from the Canary Islands feels towards Japan, many of the images were captured from photographs, some transformed, others invented and the vast majority of those snapshots are essence located in a file from my childhood, in this way What I try with this project, is that the person who decides to contemplate some paintings, leaves with something else ...
In my exhibitions, I have seen many people mourn because they identify with the characters of my painting, I have also seen people who told me that they entered with a Japanese thought and left with another one in awe, besides seeing students of fine arts pass by , saying that the whole exhibition has been magical, as well as, people who simply entered out of curiosity with the overwhelm of their daily problems and left afterwards more positive to continue life.
And as a maximum I simply make you feel what is disappearing "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" nowadays.
100% I donate it because they motivate me to create A BETTER WORLD.




09.07.2016 07:00

Las Dos Fridas 1939 Exposición Colectiva Internacional 75 Aniversario.

09.10.2014 00:48

Oriental Fusion en Hawaii (Palabras textuales de la artista) / Oriental Fusion in Hawaii (Words from the Artist Support)

28.11.2013 10:00
Llegue al aeropuerto y me enteré que se habia cancelado el evento de arte de 9th Wave Gallery. No me lo podia creer me quede de piedra pensando ¿y ahora que hago? Miraba la caja de mis obras diciendome, tanta distancia recorrida para no poderos sacar y mostrar a Hawaii. Hawaii un lugar donde...

La Luz Port promociona ORIENTAL FUSION

16.10.2013 22:28
Anuncia que ha recibido la grata noticia de promoción por parte de La Luz Port (sitio web donde se habla de todo los aspecto en general su isla Gran Canaria), lo cual, quiere mandar un agradecimiento por su colaboración incondicional hacia el proyecto Oriental Fusion.  Announces that she has...

Entrevista con la Revista MU

05.10.2013 14:05
Quería Agradecer a la Revista MU su apoyo incondicional. She wanted to thank the MU Magazine unconditional support.

Oriental Fusion viaja a Hawaii

21.07.2013 15:51
Quería informar a sus seguidores de la gran Noticia. Oriental Fusion entra en la familia de 9th Wave Gallery. I wanted to inform their followers of the great news. Oriental Fusion Family enters 9th Wave Gallery.